SDB 112 - “Don't You Ever Get Tired (Of Hurting Me)”

Randy Baldridge


Opener:       Circle Left

You make my eyes run over all the time

Left Allemande you DoSaDo - the Men Star Left

You Turn Thru at home and do a Left Allemande and Promenade

Don't you ever get tired of hurting me?



Heads (Sides) Square Thru 4 hands you DoSaDo

Swing Thru the Boys Run

Ferris Wheel - Centers Pass Thru

Touch ¼ - Scoot back

Swing and Promenade

Don’t you ever get tired of hurting me


Middle Break – Closer:  Circle Left

You must think I look bad with a smile

Left Allemande the Corner DoSaDo

Left Allemande and Weave

Still I keep coming back why must this be

Don't you ever get tired of hurting me?


Tag:  Don't you ever get tired of hurting me?